

Let the truth of your soul show you the exact next steps to take on your path with this powerful meditation and journaling practice.

Listening to the guidance of your higher self's truth is easier than you think.

Witch means Wise, and this simple 11-minute practice will instantly connect you to the source of your inner wisdom, your IntuWitchin, to help you move through any challenge or clarify any decision in your life.

No matter what you’re seeking support with, this practice gives you a direct line to your divine guidance, making your exact next steps clear. 

You will understand and sense the distinction between what is most aligned, and what your mind tells you you “should” do. 

Too often, we get caught in the traps of fear and limiting beliefs telling us we shouldn’t even try, overly concerned with other people’s opinions, or patriarchal programming from our childhood. 

This is an opportunity for you to experience what is beneath those lies and illusions and let your soul’s sacred insight shine through.

Are you ready to see what Spirit wants to share with you?



I always believed in fairytales, and hoped fantasy would one day become my reality. When I finally realized the magik I was waiting for wasn’t something I’d discover outside of me, but was to be cultivated inside of me, my whole life changed. From that day forward I dedicated my life to the pursuit of magik.


Now, after many years of Mystery School and miracles, allow me to be your Spiritual Fairy Godmother. 


I’m here to remind you of the power within you, your capacity to turn the impossible possible, and make all your dreams come true.


Think of me like the young Professor MacGonagall guiding your personal and spiritual transfiguration, a PerMissionary for you to be the weirdest, wildest, most liberated, magikal version of yourself.


As an ambassador for the ancient magikal way returning home to our modern day, my mission is to support you in reclaiming your unique and eternal inner wisdom, what makes you a “Witch,” to bring our shared vision of Heaven on Earth to fruition.


 I live in devotion to reawakening the power of Mother Nature and the Divine Feminine for us all to reconnect with the unconditionally loving Great Mother Goddess on our planet.


magikal one,

When you take action on what comes through from your inner wisdom, you will feel inspired, empowered and completely connected to your soul’s truth and the Magik of the universe. Instead of everything feeling hard all the time, you can feel effortlessly guided by the Goddess.

I can’t wait for you to try this practice!

I’m so happy to welcome you to your most magikal life.

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