It’s time to write your epic love story.

Are you ready to open your heart and prep your mind, body and soul to attract the kind of LOVE you’ve been dreaming of?

Maybe you’ve done a lot of inner work but are still waiting to meet someone who MEETS you…or maybe you’ve stood on the precipice of diving head first into love but let fear and self doubt stand in your way.

Let’s change your story! ✨Love Spell contains some of my most potent, yet simple rituals to clear all your blocks from love, make peace with your past, and attune yourself with the kind of love that graces and enriches your life.

It’s time to write your epic love story.

Are you ready to open your heart and prep your mind, body and soul to attract the kind of LOVE you’ve been dreaming of?

Maybe you’ve done a lot of inner work but are still waiting to meet someone who MEETS you…or maybe you’ve stood on the precipice of diving head first into love but let fear and self doubt stand in your way.

Let’s change your story! ✨Love Spell contains some of my most potent, yet simple rituals to clear all your blocks from love, make peace with your past, and attune yourself with the kind of love that graces and enriches your life.

Imagine a version of yourself free from limiting beliefs about partnership, consciously magnetizing the kind of love you desire with ease and pleasure.

This is possible for you!

Imagine a version of yourself free from limiting beliefs about partnership, consciously magnetizing the kind of love you desire with ease and pleasure.

This is possible for you!

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

I’ll guide you through the art of self-reflection and accountability from past love experiences, empowering you to identify, understand, and heal past patterns so you understand what’s required of you to move forward into love.

Love Letters

I’ll teach you the power of specific scripting to channel what a divine partnership means to you, culminating in a potent spell that resonates with your heart’s truest desires.

Soul Scintillating Sensual Satisfaction

I’ll lead you through hands-on practices that heal your body, and eradicate wounds inflicted by others as well as balance energies and elements, to conjure pleasure, power and emotional clarity.

By the end of this journey, you will not only be prepared to welcome love but be equipped with the magiKal tools and insights to nurture and sustain it.

Cord-Cutting Practice 

I will guide you through a powerful cord cutting practice to assist in releasing old, stagnant energies of the past, releasing what is no longer serving you, with the upmost gratitude and love, you will create space for new energies and expansion.

Siren Songs Dance Ritual Playlist

Use my Love Manifestation Mantras that opened my heart to love all around and within me and magnetized my king into my life and give yourself a song for each emotion/energy that’s alive within you to heal yourself and step into your fuller embodiment.

I manifested my engagement to my (at the time) boyfriend with Mia’s ritual and guidance! I couldn’t believe how quickly something I had desired for SO LONG showed up in my life from honoring the practices in her program. This experience made me fully believe in my own magik, and now I am planning the wedding of my dreams using the same manifestation techniques! Thank you Mia!”

This Love Spell was more like a self love ritual designed to clear blockages within the subconscious that keep us from receiving love, then we reprogram those old beliefs with new ones. Although our ritual was incredibly healing and empowering, I honestly didn't actually think I would manifest love. But then just a few weeks later, I was in Joshua Tree and I met this amazing man. We've been together ever since. And it's been two years now!”

I manifested my engagement to my (at the time) boyfriend with Mia’s ritual and guidance! I couldn’t believe how quickly something I had desired for SO LONG showed up in my life from honoring the practices in her program. This experience made me fully believe in my own magik, and now I am planning the wedding of my dreams using the same manifestation techniques! Thank you Mia!"

This Love Spell was more like a self love ritual designed to clear blockages within the subconscious that keep us from receiving love, then we reprogram those old beliefs with new ones. Although our ritual was incredibly healing and empowering, I honestly didn't actually think I would manifest love. But then just a few weeks later, I was in Joshua Tree and I met this amazing man. We've been together ever since. And it's been two years now!”

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