Become Magnetic to Abundance, Success, and the Love You Desire


Join Me Now and Quantum Leap Into Your Most Exquisitely Aligned Life!

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The Coven Commences March 26, 2024

The Goddess gifted us all with infinite power, are you ready to harness yours?

The Goddess did not bring you here to hide from your power, to stay small in the face of perceived obstacles. 

She gives us our dreams as our mission to accomplish in this lifetime. 

She created you to experience the fullness of all life has to offer and achieve your desires. She made you and this sacred planet out of the very same elements of stardust for a reason, because you are meant to grow, flow, thrive and feel alive just like the Earth. 

That is the embodiment of SOURCEROUS.

We are not meant to suffer, to be at war within ourselves and warring with each other. 

The agony we inflict upon the planet and each other is a result of the demonization of feminine wisdom, magik, pleasure, beauty and unconditional love. 

The villainization of the creative, sensual, sexual and emotional aspects within all of us has been a toxic sickness in our bodies, hearts and minds that YOU can be the remedy for. 

Society has sold us a lie of scarcity. That we are not enough no matter what we do. 

But the Divine did not design you to feel unworthy, unlovable, unmotivated.  To feel ashamed of your true Nature by a punitive and abusive Father God. 

We are meant to be confident in who we are, trust ourselves and our IntuWitchin implicitly, live unabashedly, receive abundance deservingly. But to feel wholehearted, held in our deepest emotions, heard in our truth, and harmonious with self and all of life, we must first clear the pathway for ourselves. 

We must heal the wounds the patriarchy has imposed upon the sacred, innocent children within all of us in order to be the change we wish to see.

Trailblazers tend to get a lot of fire in the face, but you can learn to fortify the flame within you.

The time is now. There’s never been a more important moment for you to become your own healer and bring your alchemical awakening to the world around you. It’s time to become a Sourcerous.

Maybe you are struggling with…

  • Breaking through self-sabotage to unlock your true potential.
  • Liberating your femininity and sexuality from the shadows of shame.
  • Taking responsibility for your life, moving past the blame game.
  • Consistently achieving your personal goals and overcoming near-miss setbacks.
  • Honing in on and trusting your IntuWitchin for unwavering guidance.
  • Converting social media envy into proactive steps towards your goals.
  • Merging your outward conventional life with your inner spiritual, witchy self.
  • Seamlessly weaving your intuitive and spiritual insights into everyday decisions.

I’ve been there on all of them!

Imagine Your Life 12 Weeks From Now…

All this and more is possible for you when you awaken your inner Sourcerous!

I used to be a total mess…

I had every excuse in the book for why I was broke, hadn’t met the right man, felt unsafe and uncomfortable in my body. I lived in a tiny apartment, longing for expansive views, of myself and the world around me.

After years of suffering from depression, anxiety, overwhelming self-hatred, and disappointment, I eventually gave up.

I handed my life over to the Goddess, and gradually, everything began to change.

The more deeply I connected with the Earth’s rhythms, basked in my own capacity to shine, reflecting the sun’s nurturing glow, and fully embraced my potent sexual energy as the source of my creativity, the more life around me transformed.

I realized there was an infinite source of power just below my feet, entering my lungs, hydrating and warming me in every moment.

I spent the next decade vehemently studying a multitude of spiritual lineages. With 15 alternative healing modality certifications from powerful immersive programs with all kinds of teachers, I watched my gifts unfold.

I devoured book after book on ancient practices, modern methodologies, and the vast tapestry of wisdom that spans cultures and epochs.

The truth had dawned on me: the magik was never outside me; it was within me all along.

Guess what? The best part is that it’s inside you too!

Just like you, I’ve had moments of doubt.

Too many times I shrunk myself and played small to fit into someone else’s comfort zone or idea of acceptable. I spent every day of my young adulthood believing I would never be enough.

Thank the Goddess, now I know differently. I know I am more than enough, I am exactly the medicine this world needs, and sister, so are YOU!

I know within the depths of my soul we witches have returned during this time to accomplish an incredible mission. To uphold the abandoned duty of stewarding this planet with purposeful, pleasurable power.

It’s time to reclaim our divine birthright and embrace the magik of the elements.

Sourcerous is Your Path to Freedom

To expedite your journey of rediscovering the powerful magik within you.

These practices are the most potent and transformative that I’ve utilized to step into my most magikal life and I know will empower you in the leadership of your life, purpose in your career, prosperity in every way, and truly bring your fantasies to fruition in your reality.

The most potent and primordial magik on our planet exists in the unique emanations of the elements. Sourcerous uses each of these essential pillars to actualize the most effective and efficient transformation in your life.

I used these practices to…

Manifest a partnership with a sexy, loyal, mission-driven man,

Bring my business to 7 figures

Land a multi-project publishing deal

…and so much more!

When you devote yourself to the Divine within, the blessings that rain down upon you are nothing short of miraculous.

Can you feel the call of the Goddess?

She’s reaching for you. Every time I’ve answered she changed my life.

Now, it’s your turn.

Say Yes and Come Make the World Magik with Me

Embark with Me on a Journey of Rediscovering your Infinite Power with…

Weekly Rituals and Lessons

A new ritual is unveiled each week to heal inner child wounds, facilitate direct communication with Source, trace limiting beliefs to their origin, release blocked energy and more!

The more you commit to these practices, the more tangible and transformative your results will be.

Live Group Coaching

Zero in on identifying and resolving a specific pattern or trauma ripe for transformation with my trademark one-on-one coaching method. 

Join transformative calls bi-weekly with Sourcerous Transmissions and Hot Seat Coaching for personalized solutions and guidance.

Intimate Connection Covens

Experience the strength of a close-knit, high-vibration sisterhood! This is your steadfast foundation, your personal hype squad, and your accountability queens. 

This sisterhood is a source of strength, guiding you to unlock your full potential in a space that values deep connections and collective empowerment.

Bonus Library

Further enhance your witchy repertoire with access to bonus rituals, high-vibe playlists, and reflective opportunities. 

These resources are designed to deepen your connection with the sacred, amplify your energy, and enrich your spiritual journey, providing you with a versatile toolkit for your magical endeavors.

Amplify Your Inner Magik Over 12 Powerful Weeks


Elemental Alchemy

Reconnect with elemental energies and feel every ounce of your ambition, desires, and dreams empowered by the vast and eternal forces of nature. 


Water Magik

Working with the energy of water to amplify your pleasure and to receive on a daily basis the energy of your dreams by engaging with this spell.



Change your mind by changing your breath. This week focuses on transcending the boundaries of your belief systems through an ancient yogic technique that science has proven can bring about lasting change from just one session!



Emotional Holding

Challenges are inevitable-suffering is a choice.  Discover somatic healing methods that empower you to support yourself in any circumstance, regardless of the grief, sadness, pain, agony, or rage you may encounter.


Mirror Magik

How often do you look in the mirror and jump straight to judging yourself? This is one of the most powerful practices you can adopt to change and improve your relationship with yourself, learning to love and accept every part of who you are unconditionally.

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Womb Wisdom

Using the physical and energetically creative portal within you, whether you have a physical womb or not, to empower what you are meant to birth into the world, be it books, businesses, artwork, marketing campaigns, or podcasts!


Earth Magik

Learn how to wield the magik of the mother for manifesting abundance, healing your physical body, and generating empowered, conscious relationships. 

Access the Earth’s stable and rooted energies to fuel your personal ecstasy, evolution, and abundance, feeling deeply connected and harmonically aligned with its vibrant pulse.


Claim Your Queendom

Queendom looks different for all us, yet it embodies the power to lead our lives on our own terms, without compromising our desires for others or settling for less. 

It’s about recognizing our worth and embracing the luxurious energy of abundance, whether that’s indulging in a first-class journey to an exotic destination, thriving on an off-grid permaculture farm, or experiencing the best of both worlds!


Inner Child Healing

Uncover the subconscious blocks in your psyche from painful childhood experiences that prevent you from reaching your goals. 

Reparent your younger self so they can rise into a confident, self-assured adult who feels safe to express themself and realize their true worth.


Lineage to Legacy

Untangle the scars of masculine, patriarchal conditioning and the deep-seated pain of the wounded, dark feminine to rewrite stories for future generations, freeing them (and yourself!) from the legacy of inherited trauma. 

Work through the karmic and ancestral wounds, embracing them as gifts and responsibilities entrusted to us as part of our destiny to heal and transform.


Sun Sourcing

Drawing on the infinite life force energy of the sun, we give ourselves permission to shine brightly and embody the radiance and brilliance to show up as a beacon that guides others home who are lost in the storm.


Sex Magik

In this final week, you’ll engage with the tantric art of Sex Magik, harnessing the universe’s most potent force—your sexuality and pleasure—to manifest and actualize all that we’ve explored in the program so far!

Plus, Receive these Powerful Bonuses...

Moon Blood Magik Meditation

Overcoming the shame we’ve been taught to have about our periods and reclaiming the sacredness of our moon cycle, using our blood for wound healing, manifestation, and releasing that which no longer serves us.

Weekly Supplemental Worksheets

Uncover patterns, set intentions, and track your progress throughout the Sourcerous journey with supplemental worksheets and reflection questions.

Bathing Ritual

A powerful tool for calling in your biggest manifestations, using the magik of water and a sensually enriching four-senses meditation experience.  

Equinox Ritual

As we transition into Springtime, I’ll help you tune into the shadows that have emerged throughout our journey together. We’ll embrace these challenges, transforming them into powerful lessons of love and strength. This Equinox Ritual is a time of alchemy, where we convert our deepest learnings into sources of power, welcoming the new season with open hearts and renewed energy.

Join Me in Claiming Your Infinite Power

Your Investment



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4 Monthly Payments of


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What Others are Saying

Calls will be held every other Tuesday at 11:00 AM PDT for 12 weeks.

  • Each module is set up in the program as your weekly practice working with a specific element.
  • You will receive directions on how to execute the practice and a lesson on why this practice is important and how to receive the most potency from it.
  • The more you honor the practice, the more you will receive from it.
  • Every other week you will meet with Mia live for a 90-minute Sourcerous Transmission and Hot Seat Coaching.
  • You will be connected to a small group of sisters to offer additional support and practice accountability in taking action.
  • You will also be added to a Facebook group to share questions, progress, wins, and connect with the entire cohort.

This program is designed to give you the full experience of unlocking your Sourcerous energy through weekly embodiment practices you’re encouraged to practice daily. So whether you show up live to the coaching calls or not, you will still be experiencing the growth within yourself if you honor the ritual practices as directed.

While the benefit of joining the live calls is receiving 1:1 coaching from Mia in real-time, there will only be a few coachees per week, so you can take your turn when you are there! The value the program is intended to offer is primarily through how YOU choose to dedicate yourself to your own transformation in and outside of the group. Viewing the call recordings on your own time and executing the practices and rituals at your own pace can and will absolutely change your life!

This program is designed to meet you where you are on your spiritual path. There is never a right or wrong time to decide you are indeed the creator of your reality. This will be the express lane to the version of yourself you dream to be, remembering you are the source of all the power you will ever need, giving you access to infinite energy for actualizing your goals and dreams.

Every answer you need in life already exists within you. Sourcerous simply taps you into the inherent remembrance to find those answers. So whether you just discovered meditation, or have been studying Quantum Physics for 20 years, Sourcerous is about revealing inner truths to yourself, through deep embodiment, healing, and transformation practices that will serve anyone no matter what chapter you’re on in your spiritual journey.

Yes! You can pay for the program in 4 monthly installments of $555
We guarantee that the energy you choose to put into this program will directly affect the results in your life. Because Mia will show up to bring her magik, wisdom, and compassion to the group, Sourcerous is a no-refund program.

Calls will be held every other Tuesday at 11:00 AM PDT for 12 weeks. 

  • Each module is set up in the program as your weekly practice working with a specific element.
  • You will receive directions on how to execute the practice and a lesson on why this practice is important and how to receive the most potency from it.
  • The more you honor the practice, the more you will receive from it.
  • Every other week you will meet with Mia live for a 90-minute Sourcerous
  • Transmission and Hot Seat Coaching.
  • You will be connected to a small group of sisters to offer additional support and practice accountability in taking action.
  • You will also be added to a Facebook group to share questions, progress, wins, and connect with the entire cohort.

This program is designed to give you the full experience of unlocking your Sourcerous energy through weekly embodiment practices you’re encouraged to practice daily. So whether you show up live to the coaching calls or not, you will still be experiencing the growth within yourself if you honor the ritual practices as directed.

While the benefit of joining the live calls is receiving 1:1 coaching from Mia in real-time, there will only be a few coachees per week, so you can take your turn when you are there! The value the program is intended to offer is primarily through how YOU choose to dedicate yourself to your own transformation in and outside of the group. Viewing the call recordings on your own time and executing the practices and rituals at your own pace can and will absolutely change your life!

This program is designed to meet you where you are on your spiritual path. There is never a right or wrong time to decide you are indeed the creator of your reality. This will be the express lane to the version of yourself you dream to be, remembering you are the source of all the power you will ever need, giving you access to infinite energy for actualizing your goals and dreams.

Every answer you need in life already exists within you. Sourcerous simply taps you into the inherent remembrance to find those answers. So whether you just discovered meditation, or have been studying Quantum Physics for 20 years, Sourcerous is about revealing inner truths to yourself, through deep embodiment, healing, and transformation practices that will serve anyone no matter what chapter you’re on in your spiritual journey.

Yes! You can pay for the program in 4 monthly installments of $555
We guarantee that the energy you choose to put into this program will directly affect the results in your life. Because Mia will show up to bring her magik, wisdom, and compassion to the group, Sourcerous is a no-refund program.

Dear Magikal One,

Imagine us connecting on our last call, with 12 weeks of devotion and dedication to harnessing your personal power behind you.

I see you shining with crystal-clear purpose, moving toward your goals with unshakeable motivation, and aligning with your most authentic, unapologetic self in all scenarios.

This program is about unlocking your inner magik, power, and pleasure to leave the legacy of fulfillment and abundance that you and I both know is your birthright!

Sourcerous is not just a program; it’s a calling from the Goddess herself. I’ve answered that call, and it transformed my life. Now, it’s your turn.

Join me now and quantum leap to your most powerful era yet!

With love and anticipation,

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